When we look at our lives in retrospect, and try to examine how we have ended up where we are in life, inevitably we try to figure out the exact moment when something pivotal happened. It is is in our curious nature to want to know the specific moment when something changed in our life. What we fail to realize is that life is, for the most part, a gradual unfolding of a chain of actions and results. It is the small incremental actions we take everyday, and the effect of those actions, that eventually lead us down particular paths in our lives. Rarely is it one thing or a monumental event that shapes one's life. Of course one time events can happen, and they can append your life and change it forever. But that is rare. It is the bit by bit that makes the bundle that is life. No where is this illustrated best than in our love lives. When people fall in love with each other, it is usually not because of one grand gesture - check out what Simon Sinek had to say about this:
The point here is that you must stay the course and chip away at your transformation, bit by bit. Eventually you will reap the rewards. Here is some inspiration:
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